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Exhibitors & Sponsor Information

Sponsorship and Exhibitor Reservation

Sponsorship Information

Platinum$30,000.00Session sponsor, travel award sponsor, and social media included
Gold$15,000.00Two complimentary registrations, mix and match booth and sponsor benefits
Silver$10,000.00One complimentary registration, complimentary ad in program
Bronze$5,000.00One vendor item handed out at registration
Tides$3,000.00Acknowledgement of sponsorship on the home page of the Symposium website
Travel$2,000.00Recognition on certificate for travel award
Session$15,000.00Flash talk to open session
Refreshment$10,000.00Logo and messaging displayed at food & beverage stations

Sponsor BenefitsPlatinumGoldSilverBronzeTides
Sponsorship of one scientific session in consultation with Symposium Chairs, Flash talk to open sponsored session, Opportunity to embed video, literature, or advertisement content on Symposium website, Multiple personalized acknowledgements on social media platforms as specified by sponsor, Student Travel Award Included, Messaging, to be approved by Symposium Chairs, in symposium emailsX
Custom created slide for display on screen in lecture hall2 Slides1 Slide
Mix and Match Sponsor & Booth Benefits, reduced pricing on session sponsorship, acknowledgement on social media platforms, two posts, as specified by sponsorXX
Complimentary Symposium registrations321
Complimentary advertisment in digital program bookFull pageFull pageHalf page
Digital program book recognitionXXX
Vendor item handed out at registrationXXXX
Acknowledgement of sponsorship on the home page of Symposium website, logo displayed on screen in lecture hall, sign recognition in the Exhibition/Poster areas, logo hyperlinked to your organization's home
page in Sponsor section of Symposium website
Sponsorship Amount$30,000.00$15,000.00$10,000.00$5,000.00$3,000.00

Exhibitor Information

Tier 1$18,000.004 Exhibitor booths, 4 complimentary registrations, additional registrations at $600, limit 4 and must have Sheraton confirmation number
Tier 2$15,000.003 Exhibitor booths, 3 complimentary registrations, additional registrations at $700, limit 3 and must have Sheraton confirmation number
Tier 3$11,000.002 Exhibitor booths, 2 complimentary registrations, additional registrations at $750, limit 2 and must have Sheraton confirmation number
Tier 4$6,000.001 Exhibitor booths, 1 complimentary registrations, additional registrations at $800, limit 1 and must have Sheraton confirmation number

Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze Sponsors that also exhibit will receive additional benefits. Sponsors are given priority for selecting booth location in addition to the following:
PlatinumTwo additional registrations and organized photo opportunity during Symposium
GoldOne additional registration and organized photo opportunity during Symposium
SilverOne personalized acknowledgement on social media platforms as specified by sponsor and one custom slide for display on the screen in the lecture hall
BronzeOne custom slide for display on the screen in the lecture hall

Contact Us!

Let us help you to customize your sponsor and exhibitor experience.

Stephen Miller, Ph.D.
Stephen Miller, Ph.D., Principal Scientist, Genentech, Early Discovery Biochemistry, [email protected]
Lauren Cline, Ph.D.
Lauren Cline, Ph.D., Association Manager, American Peptide Society,
[email protected]