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How To Register

If you have questions or require assistance, please email [email protected], or call 812-855-4224, U.S. and Worldwide, or 800-933-9330, U.S. only, between 8am and 5pm Eastern time, UTC -4, Monday-Friday.

Important Dates

Registration Opens: November 1, 2024

Early Registration Discount: November 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025

Regular Registration Rate Apply: April 1, 2025 – June 19, 2025

Registration Fees

Early registration discount, before April 1st:

CategoryPre April 1stPost April 1st
Academic Professional$1,000.00$1,200.00
Industry Professional$1,500.00$1,700.00
PUI* or Start-Up**$750.00$900.00
Postdoc & Retired$750.00$900.00
Graduate Student$550.00$700.00
Undergraduate Student:$400.00$550.00
Guest Banquet Ticket$85.00$85.00

* The category PUI, or Primarily Undergraduate Institution, is defined as registrants who are professionals working at academic institutions that do not have graduate programs available.

** The category Start-Up is defined as registrants who are industry professionals working at a company with less than 10 employees.

Payment Options

Accepted forms of payment are Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. Credit card payments will show on your statement as IUBL-Conference Web.

Check payments must be in US Dollars and drawn on a bank that operates within the United States. Make payable to Indiana University, and must reference event ID# 8-25 and the name and order confirmation number, found on the subject line of your confirmation email. Send with documentation to:

Indiana University Conferences
PO Box 6212
Indianapolis, IN 46206-6212

Important Payment Notices

The above address is a bank lockbox and cannot accept FedEx/UPS, express mail, or other delivery requiring a signature. This address is for payments only. Do not send any other mail to this address. You must include a copy of your confirmation with your payment.

For instructions on sending electronic payments to IU, please contact [email protected]. If you or your company have an ACH or wire transfer authorization form you need to be completed, please submit that with your request. Please note that you are responsible for any wire fees.

For questions about payment, email [email protected] or call 812-855-4224.

Visa Support Letters

To receive a letter of confirmation for visa support, please send the following information to [email protected]

  • Confirmation of your fully paid registration
  • Full, given, name
  • Legal home address – not a business address
  • Source of funding
  • Email of your contact at the Embassy/Consulate, if available

Once we receive all of the above information, we will issue a PDF signed letter confirming your registration to the conference.


To be eligible for a refund, less a $50 USD administrative fee, cancellation requests must be received in writing to [email protected], no later than June 1st, 2025. No refunds will be issued after June 1st, but you may substitute another registrant.

Contact Us!

Registration Team

The Registration Team>,
Email: [email protected]

Pharma Panels

Pharma panels

Three pharma-focused panels will be held during the 2025 American Peptide Symposium to engage thought leaders across industry.

The panels will take place from 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night. The cost is $400, to gain access to all three panels, in addition to conference registration. The total number of participants will be limited to 100 for each panel to encourage discussion across the group. Details

Sign up when you register!